Saturday 25 April 2009

Marker competition

From Thurs 6pm GMT 23rd April 2009 until Mon 27th April 6PM GMT we will be running a marker competition. The top 3 existing or new members who add or refer the most markers during this period will receive a FREE annual subscription to a enhanced multimedia marker (Value up to £80). This means your marker could include a video, image slideshow of up to 10 images, audio description OR any combination of the three enhancements. These markers look great, slideshows and videos can both be played full screen so are sure to receive more attention.
We will use these enhanced markers in our marketing and PR efforts as examples of multimedia markers so apart from getting a great marker, you'll also benefit from all our marketing exposure.

1. I will be able to see any markers that you directly add during this period. 2. To claim any referrals, you'll need to email a list of markers that you are claiming to 3. Please enter into the spirit of this fairly and don't claim markers that you aren't responsible for generating. 4. Only markers that promoted live during the period of this competition will count. 5. Markers that are currently in the system and not live because they are incomplete, will count once completed. 6. Incomplete markers will not count - if they are business type markers - must include title, description, image and web address and be correctly positioned. 7.New members who join during this period will also be eligible to enter the competition. 8. All marker types count will count -Photo's YouTube etc 9.The cut off is strictly 6pm GMT 27th April. 10. My decision is final as to the winners who will be notified on Tuesday 28th April. 11. The prize indicated is a FREE multimedia marker for 1 year. There is no cash alternative or substitute prize. 13. The Terms and Conditions on our site also apply when entering competitions.
Look forward to seeing more of your markers and please keep spreading the word. If you haven't already, please consider giving us a link back from your site too. We have some buttons and banners in My Markers for this purpose.
ps. One last thing, I apologize if some of you are having difficulties with the site if using the Safari or Google Chrome browsers. We do not currently support these browsers and recommend that you use Firefox or Internet Explorer when using flyfishmap.

Tight lines
Ed Burgass

Saturday 18 April 2009

Top 10 tips to get the most out of flyfishmap

Well hello again and thanks to all those who've visited us this past week and especially those who've added some markers. We've had quite a bit of feedback so far, which has been fantastic and in the main, extremely positive so thanks for that. We will be making a few amends in the coming days to make things easier for you. In the meantime, I just wanted to give you guys some tips for using the map and creating markers.

1. When you arrive at the site, you can see fly fishing markers by either:
  • Clicking on a continent and then on individual markers or yellow marker groupings in your geographical area of interest.
  • Double clicking on the map to zoom in without the zoom bar.
  • Clicking on the links in Most Popular or Recently Added
  • If there are many markers in your area of interest, filter out unwanted ones using the filter option, then click Apply
  • Reset the map by clicking on our logo above the map

2. Create markers by going to Register or by clicking the Add Marker tab on the sidebar.

3. When creating business type markers, try to include as much info as possible, a photo and valid web address. Users are far more likely to go to your website if you create a good looking marker with a good description and photo. We don't want to add blank markers with just a title, or no description or photo. These kind of markers aren't useful to anyone really.

4. Don't create markers for commercial fisheries etc if you don't own, manage or arrange fishing on them. If you're a personal user you can add photos and You Tube videos for these fisheries only really. You can of course add markers for wild fisheries e.g. state or nationally run fisheries. If so, please complete the marker with as much detail as possible and a photo. Include a useful web address so that other users can find out more information about this location.

5. Do Position your marker as accurately as possible please. Zoom in as closely as the map allows drop the crosshairs in place and click Save and Continue.

6. Don't panic if you don't see your marker on the map straight away. We do need to review and approve ALL markers before they go on the map.

7. Do use the Share button on markers if you like what you've found and think a friend would like it too. Just click on it, then select the device for sending this individual marker link to your friends.

8. Do please link back to us or to your marker if you have website or blog. We are giving you a free link so would appreciate one back. We have a number of buttons and banners in the My Banners section of My Markers

9.. Don't use Safari, Opera or Google Chrome browsers. At present, we do not support these browsers when using We recommend using Firefox or Internet Explorer.

10. Please keep sending us your feedback. You can do this by either emailing us on, using the contact form or by completing this quick survey.

Many thanks for your interest to date, please spread the word and keep those marker coming!

Tight lines
